Monday, July 5, 2010

Evangelism. Why do it

This is the second part of the sermon or lesson i will be teaching over. We talked about what the gospel is, that God acting in and through Jesus Christ established his reign and rule over creation through His death in order to bring in his kingdom. That the Christ is Lord and King of all. That through following Jesus we are saved from our sin and begin to be remade in His image. So, this is the what now we turn to the why. First, let us ask why in the world did God do the things He did for us? He made a covenant with Abraham, He sent the prophets to Israel and finally His very Son to die for his creation on the cross of calvary.WHY? Love. Love can be the only explanation. Despite our sin and rebellion He loves us and desires our renewal as image bearing human beings. Look at the Prodigal Son account in Luke 15!
So, why should we share the gospel? Yup, you guessed it Johny, Love. We know and have an abiding relationship with the creator of the universe. We have experienced His kindness, mercy, love, peace etc. How could we not share this? Many of us were scared in to faith through the threat of hell. While God does indeed allow us to come to know Him through this it is not and was not how the gospel spread. True Christians are not worried about hell because they are blinded by their love of Christ. The gospel is not spread by scaring others into it because people cannot be scared into loving someone. Most of the time what happens is that someone is given a false assurance of salvation because they prayed a magical prayer because they did not want to go to hell. Those who are disciples came to know Jesus by another means; they began to experience the living God and through that a relationship began and new life was born. This is key to understanding why we are to share the gospel. Yes, we do not want others to experience hell but we should desire they have something rather than merely escaping a position in hell. Many of us have used the line, if you died where would you go when you died? Heaven or Hell? Most of the time people have no context for who this God is or what heaven or hell means. Rather than try and scare others into a proffession of faith let us seek to actively discuss and explore who God is and what he desires with those who don't believe. Let us understand it is about falling in love with someone rather than being scared they will hit you and then making a proffession of love. This is not denying that hell is a firm reality!
So, now that we have discussed why using hell as a motivation for sharing the gospel is placing our footing in shaky ground let us move onto what exactly our porper motive should be and what it looks like. As seen above our motivation should be love. This strikes home because it reveals that our lack of evanglism stems directly from our lack of love for God. This relationship with God defines everything in our life. It is not the top priority it is the only priority and all others stem from this one! Since it defines everything than sharing the Christ should come naturally. It won't be forced but a very normal part of our life. Think about this, you can't stop talking about a new girl or guy that you like to your friends. If you go and do something particularly interesting you bring it up and share it. Shoot i know people who even talk about pokemon still while seniors in high school. But how do we talk about God? Do we share what He is doing in our lives? Let's frame it this way, if you were to be transported to China or certain parts of Asia and they were to hold you on trial for being a Christian would you be convicted? I'm sure some might get a lock up for a night for going to church and then let go because they aren't really a threat for propigating the gospel. Others perhaps talk about it outside of church with other believers but their lives really don't reflect that of a follower of Christ and so they get a week or so. Yet others would have a sentence of death because they are good fruit spreading the gospel seed everywhere they go. Either the Christ is not important to you, you don't understand what the gospel is or you are sowing the seed of the gospel in people's lives through your actions and your words. We share the gospel because we are beggars and homeless and we have been given food and an eternal abode where God dwells. We seek to share this with others who are beggars and homeless. We do this with all humility and grace. We do this prayfully and thoughfully pointing people to Jesus knowing that it is He who ultimately draws people to himself.
If we understand the gospel than how can we not share it? We cannot allow our social convictions to overule our divine command. The last thing Jesus said before his ascencion was go unto all nations making disciples. We have one purpose! To glorify His name through spreading His story.

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